The scarcity of water has converted the barren Arabian peninsula into a vast desert which
has never yielded any substantial agricultural produce. Her scattered population had
always to fall back on foreign supply of foodgrains to supplement the dates and the little
corn grown in their own lands. Agriculture in Arabia which has had the distinction of
being the cradle of the great prophets of the world has been very primitive and was
confined to those tracts where water was available in the form of springs. Taif, a hilly
place is known as the garden of Hejaz, where, besides grapes, apples, figs, pomegranates
and dates, wheat is also cultivated. Medina, with its springs and wells is a green spot in
a vast desert, and dates, wheat and barley are cultivated there.
The great Prophet of Islam had left behind him a group of selfless people, whose sagacity
and magnanimity, faith and unity, spirit of sacrifice and service won for them laurels not
only on the battle-fields but in almost all branches of human activity. Agriculture was no
exception and as early as during the reign of the second Caliph of Islam Arabs had made
considerable progress in agriculture and had introduced many beneficial measures for its
advancement in their dominions including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Hejaz. Writing about the
Spanish Muslims in his outspoken book The Intellectual Development of Europe John William
Draper says, "Not only did they attend to the cultivation of plants, introducing very
many new ones, they likewise paid attention to the breeding of the cattle specially the
sheep and horse. To them we owe the introduction of the great products, rice, sugar,
cotton and also, as we have previously observed, nearly all the fine garden and orchard
fruits, together with many less important plants, as spinach and saffron. To them Spain
owes the culture of silk. They introduced the Egyptian system of irrigation by flood
gates, wheels and pumps".'
It was during the reign of the second Caliph that the Arab conquest was extended over Asia
and Africa. Arabs were confronted with new problems which the administration of such a
vast empire had brought in its wake. They provided a test for the Arab genius and the
manner in which they grappled with different problems including the exploitation of
natural resources in their dominions proved beyond doubt that they were matchless both in
war and peace. Hazrat Omar Faruq the Great, had fixed the rates of land revenue according
to the type of land. He charged four dirhams on one jarib of sown wheat, while he charged
2 dirhams for a similar plot of barley. Nothing was charged for pastures and uncultivated
land. In this way he systematised revenues which before his time were charged haphazardly.
Different rules were framed regarding the revenues of Egypt whose agricultural output
depended on the floods of the river Nile, According to reliable historical sources, the
annual revenues of Iraq amounted to 860 million dirhams, an amount which was never
exceeded after the death of the great Caliph though he was very lenient in his collection.
The main reason behind the easy realisation of revenue was that the people had become very
prosperous. He had introduced many farreaching reforms in the field of agriculture, which
we do not find even in most of the countries of modern times. One of these was the
abolition of landlords or zamindari and the subsequent disappearance of the evils which
were being wrought on the poor tenants by the vested landed interests. When the Romans
conquered Syria and Egypt, they confiscated the land from the tillers of the soil and
allotted it to the nobles, churches and the members of the royal family, and the armed
forces. Hazrat Omar, upon conquest of these countries returned the land to those local
inhabitants who were the rightful owners. The just and benevolent Caliph was exceptionally
generous to the tillers of the soil and he even issued strict orders that no other persons
including Arab soldiers who had spread all over these countries should be granted any
piece of land for cultivation purposes. Such steps taken by the second Caliph of Islam
restored confidence among the local inhabitants, gave a great impetus to the advancement
of agriculture in those countries and contributed to the enormous increase in agricultural
produce. The tenants became prosperous and their standard of living was raised which led
to the easy realisation of land revenues by the custodians of the State. According to a
French historian, "The liberal policy followed by the Arabs in the fixation of
revenues and their land reforms have greatly contributed to their military
conquests". It was due to this generous policy of the second Caliph that the
Christian Qibtis of Egypt, who were farmers, always sided with Muslim Arabs in preference
to Roman Christians. The great Caliph was not contented with these reforms. He worked out
beneficial schemes for the advancement of agriculture and constructed irrigation canals,
wells and tanks in his vast dominions. He established a public welfare department which
looked after these construction works and furthered various beneficial schemes. The famous
historian Allama Maqrizi says that more than one lac and twenty thousand labourers were
employed in such works throughout the year in Egypt alone. A number of canals were
constructed in Khuzistan and Ahwaz during this period.
The short period of the Caliphate Raashidah is considered the golden epoch of Islamic rule
in which Muslims made all-round progress. During the Omayyad Caliphate many evils of
aristocracy and autocracy had crept into its ranks. The socialist and peoples' democracy
of the Caliphate Raashidah had given place to imperialism and autocracy. The original
tenants were dislodged from their lands and their properties were distributed among the
privileged classes. The State revenues inspite of all the repressive measures adopted
decreased considerably. Hazrat Omar bin Abdul Aziz tried to check this rot and
reintroduced the old reforms and returned the properties to their rightful owners. He
ordered his collectors not to charge any revenue for uncultivated and pasture lands. He
constructed a large number of irrigation wells and tanks in his vast empire, and the
tenants again became rich and there was hardly any one to receive the alms.
The period of the Abbasid Caliphate is particularly noted for the Muslim advancement in
diverse branche of sciences and arts. Agriculture, too, received great impetus under the
Abbasids. A net work of canals existed in Iraq which transformed that country into a
veritable garden. The first great canal constructed by an uncle of the Caliph Mansur was
called Nahr Isa (Isa canal) which, issuing from the Eupharater at Al-Anbar ran into the
Tigris west of Baghdad It was open to ships and one of its branches was the Sarah canal.
Another important canal was built by Caliph Mehdi in 'Wasit district, which brought a
large tract of land under cultivation. A third transverse canal was Nahr Sarsar which
joined the river Tigris above Madain. The Dujayal canal which con nected the Tigris and
Eupharates and had many offshoots irrigated the regions north of Baghdad. It was silted up
in the IOth century A.D. A canal known as Nahr al-Malik (king canal) entered the Tigris
below Madain. Other important canals were Nahr Kutba and great Sarah which flowing in the
lower basir of the two rivers, had many branches and irrigatec a vast tract of land.
Promotion of agriculture ane horticulture was carried on with zeal throughout the vast
Abbasid empire. According to an anrialist 'In those days Iraq and southern Persia
presented the appearance of a veritable garden, and, the whole country specially between
Baghdad and Kufa was covered with prosperous towns, flourishing villages and fine villas.
The staple crops of Iraq were barley, rice, wheat, dates, cotton, sesame and flax. The
production of fruit was pursued as a science and several new fruits were introduced in
varying climates. The plain south of Sawad was noted for the growth of all sorts of
temperate and tropical fruits. Ahwaz and Pars were famous for sugar plantation and
manufacture. The sugar manufactured in these regions was supplied not only to Asiatic
countries but also to Europe. Sugar was also manufactured on the Syrian coast, from,
whence the crusaders learned the method and introduced it into Europe. Khorasan and Egypt
were also fertile countries yielding rich agricultural produce. According to the Arab
geographer Yaqut the land in the vicinity of Bukhara during Samanids' rule (900 A.D.)
looked like a garden. It contained the valley of Sughad considered as one of the four
earthly paradises. All kinds of fruits were produced in these gardens. Water-melons were
exported from Khwarizm to Baghdad, in lead moulds perched with ice and were sold for 700
dirhams each.
In Spain, Arabs had established a great civilization and had developed agriculture on an
unprecedented scale. They had constructed water channels, applied scientific manures and
introduced new crops. The whole of Spain especially Andalusia had been converted into a
veritable garden. Hardly any country of mediaeval times enjoyed greater agricultural
prosperity than Muslim Spain. Agriculture was carried on along scientific lines and
combining industry, skill and knowledge in its development made the most sterile tracts
bloom luxuriantly. It was the Spanish Arabs who introduced rice, sugar-cane, cotton,
ginger, saffron spinach and a great variety of fruits to that desolate peninsula and
developed them on a large scale. Fror Spain these crops were later gradually introduced
int various countries of Europe. In 1255 A.C., whe Feridnand I, captured Seville, that
province possesse several million olive trees and had more than 100,00 mills for turning
out olive oil. A renowned historia writes about the achievements of the Arabs in
Spain" They levelled the earth by means of an instrument called the marhifal, and the
science of irrigation was carried to high perfection. The whole country was covered with
aqueducts and canals for the fertilization of the soil. The aqueducts of Carmona carried
water over a distance of several leagues".'
They carried on irrigation by flood gates, wheel and pumps. The Andalusian plain of Spain
was considered the garden of Europe and a centre of rura and urban activities.Writing in
his well-known book History of the Arcrbs, Philip K. Hitti says "This agricultural
development was one of the glories of Muslim Spain and one of the Arabs lasting gift to
the land, for Spanish gardens have preserved to this day a 'Moorish' imprint. One of the
best known gardens is the Generalife (from Arabic--Jnnnet alarif i.e., the Inspectors'
Paradise), a Nasrid menument of the late 13th century whose villa was one of the outlying
buildings of the Alhambra. This garden, proverbial for its extensive shades, falling
waters and soft breeze (according to Ibn Khatib) was terraced in the form of an
amphitheatre and irrigated by streams which, after forming numerous cascades, lost
themselves among the flowers, shrubs and trees represented today by a few gigantic
cypresses and myrtles".'
The Indo-Pak sub-continent during the Muslim rule was one of the most fertile agricultural
areas of the world. The prices of grain and other edible commodities during the reign of
Alauddin Khilji and Shah Jahan quoted by chronicles of these times were exceptionally low
and hardly believeable. The Jamuna Gangetic Doab was known throughout the world for its
fertility and productivity. During the Mughal period a number of canals were taken out
from Jamuna which irrigated the vast tracts of land round about Delhi and Agra. The
villages were self-sufficient and the high agricultural productivity enhanced the
prosperity'of the people.
The Muslims took much interest in the advancement of horticulture, which was not confined
to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables but also to the planting of all sorts of
flowers. Damascus, Shiraz and Jur were particularly noted for their flower gardens, which
led to the growth of perfume industry in these regions. Firozabad in Faris was famous for
its atar of roses. According to Ibn Hauqal, the rose water of Jur was exported to such
distant countries as China. 'Faris' according to Thaalibi, 'included in its khiraj 30,000
bottles of the essences of roses. Sabur or Shahpur produced 10 world famous varieties of
perfumed oil.'
Muslims had a special aptitude for gardens. The garden of Generalife in Granada (Spain)
and the Shalimar gardens built by the Mughal emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan in Kashmir
and Lahore respectively are considered to be the best in the world. "Natural
products" says J. H. Kramers, "which, by their name, betray their original
importation from Muhammadan countries, are fruits like the orange, lemon, and apricot,
vegetables such as spinach and artichokes, further saffron and now the so important
Arab botanists wrote several valuable treatises on plants and carried on research on their
cultivation, growth and natural properties. One of these treatises was written by Ibn
al-Awwam entitled Kitab-al-Filaha in which he dealt with 585 plants and 50 kinds of fruit
trees. According to George Sarton, "It contains striking observations on the
different kinds of soil and manure and their respective properties, on various methods of
graftingon sympathies and antipathies between plants , etc. The symptoms of many diseases
of trees and vines are indicated, as are also methods Of cure".