Ghaarim: A person in debt.

Ghaban Fahish: Exorbitant price or rate of profit charged by the seller, agent or middleman.

Gharar: "(Lit. Risk, Hazard, Uncertainty) Technically it signifies the contract or transaction in which the object of contract or the commodity is not determined for both or either contracting party and thus the contract involves an element of risk and uncertainty. Examples are the sale of fish in the water which has not been caught or of a bird in the air or of a foetus in the womb (hable-al-habla). The sale of milk in the udder is also termed ""gharar"". It is also applicable in cases where the gain of one partner in a business is guaranteed but that of the other remains uncertain. All transactions involving gharar are unlawful in Islam."

Ghayru Mujbir: representative who cannot marry a woman without her consent.

Ghazwah Dhat ar-Riqa: The battle of the rugs. This name was given to this battle because the people who took part were bare footed and the land was rough so, when their feet became blistered, they bandaged them with torn-up strips of clothing.

Ghusl: Full bath or body wash .